Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why this blog?

Why do I start this Blog, Life Vibration?

The answer is that I have the ability to feel (through my hands) the magnetic energy vibration within and around myself and other people.

I can also channel (not at will). That means, for me, that I perceive words to answers or ideas that I can write or type into a readable form. A format that can make sense to anyone who has the interest to read it.

Sometimes what I perceive is physical, at other times meta-physical and then at other times it borders on religious ideas;

hopefully one day it will all come together as one.

That's about it.

Since most people I meet are not aware that they have similar abilities, I thought that I should write some of my own experiences, not necessary related to energy, or whatever wants to be expressed.

I cannot put any name to whatever or whoever answers my questions. I just have a feeling, or knowing that it comes from a space that is beautiful and pure.

The first time I received a thought, that I felt was greater than me, was when I was living on the other side of the world. Nelson Mandella was still in prison. Winnie was on television all over the world trying to put pressure on the overseas community to help free him. Without the help of people like Winnie, Nelson may still be on Robben Island.

I was pondering on the Afrikaner nation and what they needed to do, at that time, to ensure stability to the economy.

Four images of South Africa and its people, from a vibrational level, flashed through my mind.. It showed me what happens when a group of people is suppressed. Basically, a “Big Bang” happens. One can only suppress any group for so long, before it explodes like a squeezed balloon. It can only stretch so far.

The answer was to allow for new applicants to the electoral role to have a certain level of educational level and to remove the color barrier from the voters list.

This would ensure an intelligent change over of political power in South Africa, and put the country’s future in the hands of the intelligentsia (whatever their color may be). This would have encouraged all people to put education first and ease the transformation process, giving future leaders the needed time to become educated and accustomed to governmental rule and etiquette.

The voice of the unintelligent, easily manipulated masses (sheep) would have been for the time being be excluded from the decision making process of the country, unless they made the effort to strive towards education.

That message was totally wasted on me, at the time, since I had no power or means to influence the high-ranking governmental think-tank.

Even though that last statement may still true today, I decided to record some of my unconventional thoughts or experiences

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