Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sex and the Soul (about homosexual behaviour)

Notes on Homosexuality and God

The Sex of a Soul.

The Soul is believed to be both male and female. The sex that a soul chooses when it decided (or is advised) to incarnate depends on its chosen soul-path.

The ultimate soul paths on earth may be:

    • To clear the road for humanity to return to the feet of the Heavenly Father (The Father is a masculine vibrational force of expression)

    • Creating "Heaven on Earth" (through the Spirit of God) is a feminine healing vibrational frequency.
    • Striving for Christ Consciousness. (Either a feminine or masculine expression. - The Son is the product of a marriage between a Father and a Mother. Jesus, the Son, strived to return to the "House of the Father" while Mary, the Mother, took care of his earthly needs. Many of the old religions still provide different approaches for male and female worshippers. The perversion comes in when male dominance exploits female spirituality and regards them as lesser beings. At another scale the sun is regarded as a masculine energy while the earth is regarded as a feminine energy)

The above are mature soul tasks, but souls incarnate at various levels of maturity. (Or dedication to their ability to be creators). Karma overshadows both soul and physical relationships. It requires both the right instrument (physical body (DNA) with the right hormonal system (M or F) and a soul to break free from the pull of karma and achieve greatness on earth. It is only through incarnating on earth that a soul can free itself from the karma of the earth plane before a greater round on earth starts. It is therefore important for beings on earth to consider their higher purpose through their chosen religions or spiritual alignments.

The Sex and the Soul.

We all know that the sex of a form (physical body) depends on its DNA.

A soul (either male or female) will choose a body (either male or female) for the lifespan of that form.

One could say there is a contract between the soul and the personality its chosen form within each living physical body on earth.

One may also refer to the soul and the personality as the higher and the lower self.

Each person is therefore both (wo)man of the world and (wo)man, of God(dess).

A soul on a feminine mission would normally choose a female physical form (body) for its task on earth. A soul who adopted a masculine identity but realizes that he either need to bring balance to its male-female expression, or who chose a female form to fulfill a feminine roll on earth, may find itself in conflict at a higher vibrational level. The soul wants to express its masculinity but is trapped in a feminine existence, or visa versa.

Bi- and homosexuals are often highly developed souls with sensitive personalities. It is however not always the case. There was a time in the history of the earth when sexual perversions were the order of the day. (The Biblical Sodom and Gomorra) Some souls are trapped within karmic ties from that era and come to earth to free themselves from those ties.

One can therefore see how such a person whose soul expression is the opposite of its physical expression can be confused about their identity. One can understand that such a person will undergo much soul searching and inner torment.

A note of comfort to all misunderstood homo- and bisexuals.

There is one little ray comfort.

When you chose your physical vehicle (body) you also chose the souls of your parents and closest friends and relatives to help through your earth experience. At a higher level they love you and understand you fully. If they reject you on earth, such a rejection can only continue while they are trapped within their physical egos. Continue to love them, pray for them and respect them, even if you feel hurt and rejected. There is always the possibility that one day they will make contact with their soul selves and love you unconditionally.

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