Friday, July 13, 2012

Noontime Recollection

I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Past memory storage and the DNA?

Where are memories stored?

Last night I woke in the early hours wondering where memories are stored.
I vaguly remembered having two dreams that was one.
Dream 1, retracing my steps,
Dream 2 revisiting and fixing an incident in my life.
I realized that I was working at fixing a blog yesterday and that earlier on I was revisiting previous actions in my life and pondering on how I could have acted differently.
It was as if my sleeping brain connected the two actions as being of the same vibration.
I then pondered on where past memories are stored.
Do memories move from the brain into the cellular DNA at some stage?
It has been reported that transplant recipients sometimes have unfamiliar memories, as if they are connected to the donor for a while.
Are our past memories stored in the DNA cells, like the computer stores backup data on different devices, but retains the keys to decode it?

Many years ago after receiving a polarity therapy treatment where pressure was applied to a single muscle in my abdomen, I remembered a great sadness was being triggered by my brain, however I never uncovered the source of it.
There is also the phantom limb sensation after amputation?
Where exactly is the memory of the limb stored. How long does it take for the brain to record the absence of it?
The two similar but different actions of the previous day also make me wonder just how much the brain responds to the influences of the planetary bodies around the earth.
Perhaps it is time that the medical profession starts to utilize these uncharted regions of the brain.
Is that why dreams are forgotten, because they are re-visitations to our DNA memory.
Is it because only the decoding formula of long past memories remain in our brains; is that why it is so difficult to remember dreams?
Is it like retrieving lost data on a computer without the backup device.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Healed by the Cross of Jesus

Jesus is still the most powerful healer.

After a prolonged anesthetic, I developed a spasm in my throat. It was like a hiccup but by my epiglottis.

Because I am a qualified nurse, aroma therapist, reflexologist, meridian therapist, massage therapist, polarity therapist, spiritual healer, esoteric healer and more, I tried in vain to shift throat irritation but it just kept on spasm. I could relieve the intensity of the spasm, but not the spasm itself.

As a last resort I visualized in my throat the Cross of Jesus. Just that and immediately the spasm stopped.

Jesus is still the most powerful healer and His method is the simplest.
I just opened myself up to Him and the healing request, in my case, was granted.

Three of my friends who are devout Christians have been diagnosed with cancer a while ago. I have been amazed by their recovery from conditions that take the lives of many.

From this day on I shall never do a healing without invoking Jesus Christ and the symbol of the cross.

Original post from

Friday, March 13, 2009

Plate 4 - Foot Reflexes

Plate 4 - Friday, March 13, 2009
Reflexology is a very powerful tool because our feet connect us to the earth's magnetic field.

  • When blocked magnetic flow to the meridians, under the feet, is restored, healing can return.

  • Emotional overload and disharmony disconnect us from the earth's magnetic field because it cause congestion and shutdown of the magnetic currents through the meridians.

  • This absent or sluggish flow through the body meridian channels, in turn, causes disease to manifest.

The more we study energy anatomy, the more we realize that everything has an effect on everything else.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

PLATE 3 Birth and life

March 11, 2009


  • Our soul natures (Inner spirit) ‘attaches’, at or near conception, to the clump of cells which carries the DNA imprint of our ancestry. Each person is therefore a unique DNA mixture of cells from the male ancestry, female ancestry and soul ancestry. (sperm+ovum+consciousness)

  • It is said that the soul chooses the perfect DNA mix (good and bad) through which to perform its earth mission. Everything is considered; Karma, time of birth, family, friends, helpers and dependents.

  • The energy anatomy of the physical body (vehicle) is the meridian system that runs to and from the feet and hands to communicate with the magnetic field of the earth and our environment.

See plate 4. For the feet meridians.

  • As the soul enters the form in uterus, a second energy anatomical structure becomes activated. That is the chakra system.

  • The chakra energy system becomes activated (opens) as the soul learns how to make contact and influence the physical vehicle.

  • Until the time that the soul makes contact, and expresses through the chakras, the person do not have control over its destiny. The destiny is set according to the inherited DNA pattern. They may be good people, but they live very self centered lives.

The meridian system carries the DNA codes of the history of the form.

The chakra system carries the records of the soul's journey and possible level of unfoldment for the immediate future. (ring-pass-not)

Through our soul contact, we have freedom of choice. Before that, our thoughts and actions are predictable

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Plate 2 - We are in earth

We are all parts of a whole - we are the life within the earth's gravitational field.

  • The earth, and all life forms within it's atmosphere, consist of the same basic substances; Solids, liquids, gasses and radiation fields.
  • We are particles within a whole. We can do nothing without having an effect on everything.
  • Humanity is one body of destruction. We destroy the earth that sustains us.
  • Humanity is on a path of self destruction.